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Use the eComper plug-in to consolidate a MIDI clip to a video file without leaving Ableton Live. You can drag the newly created video clip directly from eComper’s interface to an audio track or an eSampler/eSimpler, to use it immediately in your Live set.

Adding the eComper plug-in to your Live set

To add the eComper plug-in to your Live set, just drag the plug-in from the EboSuite plug-ins folder to a MIDI track containing one or more eSamplers. The eComper plug-in can only be used on a MIDI track and can only create a video clip using the video samples that are loaded in the eSampler plug-ins on that track.

Consolidate a MIDI clip to a video file

Once an eComper plug-in is loaded on a MIDI track containing one or more eSamplers, just select a MIDI clip on that MIDI track and press the ‘Convert selected clip’ button on the eComper’s interface. After pressing this button you will be asked to type in a name for the newly created video file and to select a destination. The eComper will store the video file in this location and will show a Quicktime icon in the eComper’s interface that links to the video file. You can now easily drag the newly created video file directly from the eComper’s interface to an eSampler or on an audio track for further use by dragging the icon to that location.

Rendering versus compiling

The eComper does not actually ‘render’ a movie file, but rather ‘compile’ a movie file. Based on the order of MIDI notes in a MIDI clip it will copy/paste the video fragments assigned to those notes in the same order and save them as a new video file. The eComper only takes the start point settings into account and ignores other settings, like the ADSR, velocity, pitch, audio effects, automation etc. The eComper works great for compiling basic video edits and video beats. Read the ‘Record the video output’ section of this manual to learn how to record more complex video edits, melodies and video mixes.

Adding an alternative audio track to the compiled video file

Because the eComper doesn’t take velocity, the ADSR or audio effects into account, you can drop an alternative audio file into the dropzone in the eComper’s interface, that then will be added to the compiled video file. You can for example first render the audio of the MIDI clip using Ableton Live’s audio export feature (with all the audio effects and velocity changes) and then drop this audio clip into the dropzone in the eComper’s interface.